Wild Water - Masterpiece of Creation

Raggaschlucht - wild water - masterpiece of creation​

"The gorge of gorges" in Flattach in Mölltal​

Where the wild waters of the high mountains meet ancient rocks, is a place where you have to stand your ground. Beating a path through rock, through narrow fissures and over breath-taking waterfalls into the valley. Enter, but don’t forget to close your mouth again. Anyone who has ever visited the Raggaschlucht and observed the water making its way into the valley, will enjoy no end of amazement.


Early end of the summer season!

Due to the previous weather situation and the associated weather conditions, the Gorge Raggaschlucht is ending the summer season earlier. Open for visitors until incl. 13.10.2024.

Thank you to all our visitors and see you again in 2025!

news updated: 11.10.2024, 01:00pm

Opening hours 2024​

18. May – 26. May 2024
daily open 10:00am – 04:00pm, last admission 04:00pm

27. May – 08. September 2024
daily open 09:00am – 05:00pm, last admission 05:00pm

09. September – 13. October 2024
daily open 10:00am – 04:00pm, last admission 04:00pm

From 14th October 2024
Early end to the summer season!
Due to the previous weather situation, the Gorge Raggaschlucht is ending the summer season early.


In case of bad weather (rain), please check before arrival if Raggaschlucht is open.

During the opening hours, in exceptional cases or due to extreme weather conditions (e.g. thunderstorms, storms), the gorge may be closed at any time for safety reasons. Safety has the highest priority.

Prices Raggaschlucht 2024

A maintenance fee is charged for the use of the wooden bridges. This is used for ongoing care and annual maintenance. 


€ 9,00 per person


€ 6,00 per person
(6-18 years)

Groups Adults

€ 6,00 per person
(15 persons or more)

Groups Children

€ 4,00 per person
(15 persons or more | 6-18 years)

Buy your ticket online

Free entry:

Free admission for holders of the Kärnten Card.
Free entry to over 100 of Carinthia’s most beautiful trip destinations and great benefits at our bonus partners!


Water is undoubtedly the star in the Gorge Raggaschlucht, displaying a range of moods from calm to foaming, sparkling to crystal clear. Over thousands of years, the Raggabach stream has carved a deep path through the rock, resulting in a breathtaking must-see. Declared a natural monument in 1978, the gorge in Carinthia’s Mölltal valley leads hikers along wooden walkways past impressive waterfalls and steep rock faces.


Embark on an unforgettable adventure through Gorge Raggaschlucht, where you will witness stunning natural beauty and learn about the geological history of the area at 12 different stations. Learn about the geological history of this natural wonder and the formation of the Alps. Take this new knowledge with you and appreciate the beauty of nature in a truly unique way.

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! Information !

Die Raggaschlucht



Vorzeitiges Saisonende!

Aufgrund der vorangegangenen Wettersituation beendet die Raggaschlucht die Sommersaison vorzeitig mit 13.10.2024 (letzter Öffnungstag der Saison 13.10.2024).

Early end of the summer season!
Due to the previous weather situation, the Gorge Raggaschlucht is ending the summer season earlier (last day open: 13.10.2024).

– Stand/news updated: 13.10.2024, 14:00 Uhr

Die benachbarte Barbarossaschlucht ist noch begehbar. | Barbarossaschlucht in the neighbouring village is still open.

! Information !

Die Raggaschlucht ist heute Freitag, 11.10.2024 geöffnet (10:00-16:00 Uhr).
Sollte es Änderungen aufgrund der Wettersituation geben, halten wir Sie auf unserer Website auf dem Laufenden.
Wir freuen uns auf Ihren Besuch!

Raggaschlucht is open today, Friday, 11th October 2024 (10.00am-04.00pm).
Should there be any changing due to the weather situation, we will keep you updated on our website.
We look forward to welcome you!

Updatet: 11.10.2024, 08:30 Uhr

! Information !

Aufgrund von Schlechtwetter, bleibt die Raggaschlucht heute, Donnerstag 10.10.2024 aus Sicherheitsgründen geschlossen.
                     Wir bitten um Verständnis!Aufgrund der Regenfälle in der vergangenen Nacht

Due to the bad weather situation, Raggaschlucht remains closed for today,

(Thursday, October 10th, 2024) for safety reasons.
Thank you for your understanding.

Updatet: 10.10.2024, 09:00 Uhr