the gorge

Here you will find the most important information about the hike through the Raggaschlucht and we will take you on a virtual 3D tour through the gorge.

1882 erstmals für
Besucher geöffnet

1978 zum
Naturdenkmal erklärt

ein Erlebnis
für Groß und Klein

geologischen Lehrpfad mit vielen Infos

freier Eintritt
mit der Kärnten Card

nach ca. 1,5 h und 200 hm durchwandert

weist eine Länge
von 800m auf


Die Raggaschlucht ist ein beliebtes Ausflugsziel für Familien in Kärnten. Gratis mit Kärnten Card!

Interesting information & tips

The Gorge Raggaschlucht

  • was initially opened to visitors in 1882
  • 1978 declared a natural monument
  • offers an experience for young and old
  • details and information on the geological trail
  • free admission with Kärnten Card
  • duration of the hiking tour: approx. 1.5 h
  • measures 800 meters in length
  • features a height variation of 200 meters


Experience an interactive tour through the Gorge Raggaschlucht.
And don't forget - Every journey starts with an adventure in your mind.

Let's walk through the gorge …

We will begin our trek through the gorge from the district of Schmelzhütten. Join me!

The village Flattach is directly opposite. We wear sturdy shoes and weatherproof clothes because the water is foaming and splashing in the gorge and the footbridges could be wet (be careful when it is wet – there is a danger of slipping). After about 10 minutes’ walk through the village of Schmelzhütten we reach the cash desk (entrance to the gorge).

Let’s start! It is simply impressive; our way leads us over artistically arranged wooden footbridges. Past vertical rock faces the roar of the water fills the air. In thousands of years of work the Raggabach created one of the most beautiful natural gorges in the Alps.

After about 200 meters of altitude difference and 800 m length we have walked through the gorge, and we deserve a refreshment. Now we take the way back to the valley. After about 1.5 hours of total walking time (circular route) we reach our starting point again. As a souvenir from our visit, we can purchase from a wide range of beautiful and funny souvenirs, magnets, stones and much more at Anita’s Kiosk – right next to the cashdesk. 

The nearby Café Greissler offers a variety of delightful treats such as coffee, ice cream, and homemade cakes

Interactive hiking map

Detailed hike course information as well as GPS coordinates.

! Information !

Die Raggaschlucht



Vorzeitiges Saisonende!

Aufgrund der vorangegangenen Wettersituation beendet die Raggaschlucht die Sommersaison vorzeitig mit 13.10.2024 (letzter Öffnungstag der Saison 13.10.2024).

Early end of the summer season!
Due to the previous weather situation, the Gorge Raggaschlucht is ending the summer season earlier (last day open: 13.10.2024).

– Stand/news updated: 13.10.2024, 14:00 Uhr

Die benachbarte Barbarossaschlucht ist noch begehbar. | Barbarossaschlucht in the neighbouring village is still open.

! Information !

Die Raggaschlucht ist heute Freitag, 11.10.2024 geöffnet (10:00-16:00 Uhr).
Sollte es Änderungen aufgrund der Wettersituation geben, halten wir Sie auf unserer Website auf dem Laufenden.
Wir freuen uns auf Ihren Besuch!

Raggaschlucht is open today, Friday, 11th October 2024 (10.00am-04.00pm).
Should there be any changing due to the weather situation, we will keep you updated on our website.
We look forward to welcome you!

Updatet: 11.10.2024, 08:30 Uhr

! Information !

Aufgrund von Schlechtwetter, bleibt die Raggaschlucht heute, Donnerstag 10.10.2024 aus Sicherheitsgründen geschlossen.
                     Wir bitten um Verständnis!Aufgrund der Regenfälle in der vergangenen Nacht

Due to the bad weather situation, Raggaschlucht remains closed for today,

(Thursday, October 10th, 2024) for safety reasons.
Thank you for your understanding.

Updatet: 10.10.2024, 09:00 Uhr